Spirit Talk – Online Specials
Hey there,
You made it!! You didn’t allow fear, shame or guilt to stop you from, at least being curious and at best, purchasing a package that will transform your relationship with yourself, others and most of all “Spirit!” I’m proud of you, I’m excited for you and best of all, I’m here to support you on this journey!
So… you want to know HOW you can work with me, huh? Well, I’ll tell ya, it’s pretty simple. You may already know that I am a Lightworker – that means I am called to lead, to guide, and to be that big bright shiny lighthouse that directs and alerts ships on the sea – except I do this for spiritual beings on this earth!
MY PERSONAL MISSION is to share more love and light in the world. When you’re LOW – rest assured that I am HIGH and will lovingly call you up to join me. When your mind is foggy and unclear, I’m like a bottle of Windex for your soul! When your lamp is running low, I’ve got the kerosene! When you’re lost, know that you will be found and gently guided by the loving light that the creator of all things has ordained shine within each of us. I just happen to have access to 1000000-watt bulbs! *Thanks God*
So, what is it that you need?
What has brought you HERE today?
For those seeking community, Spirit Talk Online will fill your cup! You’ll have a safe space to explore, learn, and share your experiences on this journey. You’ll be connected with seasoned and budding lightworkers, healers, intuitives and energy workers. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of self thorough connection and sharing with others. You know, all the good stuff – but you’ll find that once is never enough! We thrive on that positive High Vibrational energy! So I encourage you to be kind to yourself and treat yourself to a Spirit Talk Bundle to ensure you have consistent support and some 1-on-1 time with ME!! <3

For the more discerning seeker, private sessions will enhance your spiritual journey and transformation! You’ll grow in confidence, discernment and strengthen your personal intuition and connection to spirit. Our sessions will focus on your uniques needs and experiences. You’ll receive gentle loving guidance, confirmation and celebration. And when you sign up TODAY, you’ll receive access to Spirit Talk Online events as well! If you’re looking for a growth partner, support and encouragement as you power through life’s learnings, lessons, and following your callings – the Personal Energy Management Practice (TM) Bundle is for YOU!